The Very Beginning

I awoke at 18 years old, grieving the loss of my brother and trying to manage a small clothing company.

Growing up, the message from my family was that you graduate high school and leave town. You go to school and land yourself a big stud job.

Zafer had mentioned Santa Cruz so I headed there. I attended UCSC in 2017, studying agroecology.

I found that it was pretty tricky selling clothing when you don’t know anybody and Hempsmith took the backburner. I met some really good friends and enjoyed the west coast lifestyle.

Ultimately, I broke my collarbone skateboarding and headed back to NC with my tail between my legs.

I landed on my feet when I heard about the College of Textiles at NCSU in Raleigh. I was 30 minutes away in Pittsboro and it was a perfect fit.

I decked out my brothers closet as our inventory management and started hand selling our tees.

Both my parents are local entrepreneurs and their circles quickly embraced Hempsmith. Everyone wanted a tee from the kid they watched grow up around town.

My neighbor taught me how to screen-print and I learned tie dye from another homie.

I outfitted our greenhouse as a dyehouse and we began cranking out the tees. We spent years tie dying in buckets and hand printing at home.

Our original dye house, built from an old greenhouse.


Atelier Construction


Hempsmith’s Origins